Thursday, March 23, 2006

Haiku #8

Since UNC lost
And my bracket is busted
Haiku Master sank

Lost for a short time, returns
At least for a day

Remember dear friends
Life is like The Price is Right
Older makes better


flightblog said...

Welcome back....

FormerHost said...

It's good to be back
Life without Haiku is dark
Sorry to have left

Evan said...

i agree too
I missed the haiku

Will said...

a day without a haiku is like a day without air to breathe. I need it to sustain life. Thanks for bringing then back. Does suck that UNC lost but oh well. There's always next year.

Scott said...

and next year there will be no redick or williams to get in the way.

Anonymous said...

decent site you have

very original too

keep up the good work

Bass Hampton said...

i agree with your good friend Pete Bogs